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As part of any recruitment process, Yungo collects and processes personal information, orpersonal data, relating to job applicants. This personal information may be held by Yungo onpaper or in electronic format.Yungo is committed to being transparent about how it handles your personal information, toprotecting the privacy and security of your personal information and to meeting its dataprotection obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). The purpose ofthis privacy notice is to make you are aware of how and why Yungo will collect and use yourpersonal information during the recruitment process. Yungo is required under the GDPR tonotify you of the information contained in this privacy notice. This privacy notice applies to all jobapplicants.Wherever we refer to Yungo in this text, we are referring to the company Yungo s.r.o., ID No.04882814, with registered office at Sokolovská 131/86, Karlín, 186 00 Prague 8, registered inthe Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague under No. C 255074.If you have any questions about this privacy notice or about how we handle your personalinformation, please contact the CEO Wilfred de Wildt at

Data protection principles

Under the GDPR, there are six data protection principles that Yungo must comply with. It meansthat your data will be:

  • Used lawfully, fairly and in a transparent way
  • Collected only for valid purposes that we have clearly explained to you and not usedin any way that is incompatible with those purposes
  • Relevant to the purposes we have told you about and limited only to those purposes
  • Accurate and kept up to date
  • Maintained only for as long as necessary for the purposes we have told you about,i.e. in relation to the recruitment exercise
  • Kept securely and protected against unauthorised or unlawful processing andagainst loss or destruction using appropriate technical and organisational measures
What type of personal information does Yungo collect about you?

In connection with your application, Yungo will collect, use and store the following categories ofpersonal data about you:

  • The data you have provided to Yungo in your curriculum vitae (CV) and the personaldata contained in your covering letter, including your name, title, telephone number,personal email address, gender, nationality, employment history, qualification, socialmedia accounts, profession, professional memberships, educational achievements, diplomas, transcripts, languages, computer skills, and any data you provide us duringinterviews
  • Any personal data provided to Yungo about you by your referees (if applicable)

Yungo may also collect, use and process the following special categories of your personalinformation during the recruitment process (as applicable):

  • Whether or not you have a disability for which Yungo needs to make reasonableadjustments during the recruitment process
  • Information about criminal convictions and offences

Regarding your disability data, Yungo is aware that this is sensitive data about your healthcondition, which can only be processed under Article 9 of the GDPR in specific circumstances.One of these reasons is to comply with our legal obligation to take appropriate measures tocompensate for the disability of Yungo’s employees; for this reason, Yungo considers that theyare obliged to record this data.

How is your personal data collected?

Yungo collects personal data about candidates from the following sources:

  • You, the candidate
  • Your named referees, from whom we collect the following categories of data: fullname, periods of previous employment, performance during previous employment
  • From publicly accessible sources, such as Linkedin, etc., where we collect your fullname, email, work history, and other data included on your profile

Your personal information may be stored in different places, including Yungo’s HR managementsystem and in other IT systems, such as the e-mail system.

How will Yungo use data about you?

Yungo will use the personal data collected about you to:

  • Assess your skills, qualifications, and suitability for the role
  • Carry out background and reference checks, where applicable
  • Communicate with you about the recruitment process
  • Keep records related to Yungo’s hiring processes
  • Comply with legal or regulatory requirements

Yungo needs to process your personal data to decide whether to invite you for the next step inthe interview process, as well as whether to enter into a contract with you.If you fail to provide personal data when requested, which is necessary for Yungo to consideryour application (such as evidence of qualifications or work history), Yungo may not be able toprocess your application further.

Pursuant to Article 13 of the GDPR, we are obliged to inform you of any additional recipients ofyour personal data or any transfer of your data to third countries outside the EU.

We therefore inform you that external cooperating companies may have access to yourpersonal data.

How does Yungo use particularly sensitive personal data?

Yungo will use data about your disability status to consider whether it is needed to provideappropriate adjustments during the recruitment process, for example whether adjustments needto be made during a test or interview.

Yungo will use data about your nationality or ethnicity, to assess whether a work permit and avisa will be necessary for the role.

Yungo will use data about your criminal history to comply with statutory and/or regulatoryrequirements and obligations, e.g. carrying out criminal record checks.

Change of purpose

Yungo will only use your personal information for the purposes for which the data was collected,i.e. for the recruitment exercise for which you have applied. However, if your job application isunsuccessful, Yungo may wish to keep your personal information on file in case there are futuresuitable employment opportunities. Yungo will ask for your consent before your personalinformation are kept on file for this purpose. Your consent can be withdrawn at any time.

Data retention

Yungo will only retain your personal information for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposesfor which it was collected and processed.

If your application for employment or engagement is unsuccessful, Yungo will generally holdyour personal information for a period of 6 months or for a period of 3 years upon your explicit consent. Yungo will retain such personal data in case a similar role becomes vacantfor which you will be a fitting candidate.

If your application for employment or engagement is successful, personal information gatheredduring the recruitment process will be retained for the duration of your employment orengagement and in accordance with the privacy notice for employees.

Personal information which is no longer to be retained will be securely and effectively destroyedor permanently erased from Yungo’s IT systems and we will also require third parties to destroyor erase such personal information where applicable. In some circumstances Yungo mayanonymize your personal information so that it no longer permits your identification. In this case,Yungo may retain such information for a longer period.

Rights of access, correction, erasure, and restriction

Your rights in connection with personal data.

Under certain circumstances, by law you have the right to:

  • Request access to your personal data (commonly known as a “data subject accessrequest”). This enables you to receive a copy of the personal data Yungo holdsabout you and to check that Yungo is lawfully processing it.
  • Request correction of the personal data that Yungo holds about you. This enablesyou to have any incomplete or inaccurate data corrected.
  • Request erasure of your personal data. This enables you to ask Yungo to delete orremove personal data where there is no good reason to continue to process it. Youalso have the right to ask Yungo to delete or remove your personal data where youhave exercised your right to object to processing (see below).
  • Object to processing of your personal data where Yungo is relying on a legitimateinterest (or those of a third party) and there is something about your particularsituation which makes you want to object to processing on this ground. You alsohave the right to object where Yungo is processing your personal data for directmarketing purposes.
  • Request the restriction of processing of your personal data. This enables you toask Yungo to suspend the processing of personal data about you, for example ifyou want Yungo to establish its accuracy or the reason for processing it.
  • Request the transfer of your personal data to another party.
  • File a complaint with the supervisory authority, which in the Czech Republic is theÚřad pro ochranu osobních údajů (the Office for Personal Data Protection), locatedat Pplk. Sochora 27, 170 00 Prague 7,

If you wish to request erasure of your personal data or object to the processing of your personaldata, please send an email to